Have you done the maintenance of the security door? ​

Source:Wuyi Xiangjiaju Door Industry Co., LtdRelease time:2021-01-25

The anti-theft door is the first line of defense for our family. It "escorts" us day and night, but everything needs careful care and careful maintenance will last for a long time. The same is true for anti-theft doors. Therefore, if we want our "guards" to take a better view of our home, we still have to care about maintenance.

1. The anti-theft door will be coated with a good corrosion-resistant passivation film when it leaves the factory; however, it is necessary to prevent the anti-theft door from being damaged by various acids, alkalis and other chemical substances during daily use; this requires us to do it regularly Clean once

2. In the daily cleaning process; it needs to be cleaned with detergent and then rinsed with water, and then wiped dry with a dry cloth; avoid using detergents with bleach and abrasives, steel balls, abrasive tools, etc., which are very harmful to the security door big.

3. It can be washed with 9% nitric acid or abrasive detergent to remove the rust of the anti-theft door; currently on the market, it can also be washed with special detergents.